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When receiving marketing emails, I want to be able to identify messages with expiration dates, especially those that have already expired, in order to effectively declutter my inbox and actively contribute to reducing the ecological impact associated with storing these expired messages.
The "Email Expiration Date" project aims to reduce the environmental impact of commercial emails by facilitating the deletion of outdated messages. Currently, email clients lack integrated tools to effectively manage the deletion of emails sent by advertisers who have set an expiration date. Implementing this feature in email clients would provide users with effective cleanup tools based on email expiration dates.
For more information about the project and the proposed standard, please refer to:
Integrating this feature would allow users to more easily clean up their inboxes by automatically deleting expired messages they are unlikely to read. With just one or two clicks, they could remove hundreds of unnecessary messages, improving email management efficiency and contributing to the reduction of the carbon footprint associated with email storage (see Ressources section).
We are considering several options for implementing this feature: